Strengthening market links for sustainable Reed (Hau) cultivation and conservation of the marshland in GDh.Fiyori

Mangroves for Future (MFF) – UNDP 
Aug 2015 – Dec 2016


With the women of GDh.Fiyori already in the ‘Hau’ growing trade and weaving ‘Thundukunaa’ mats from the ‘Hau’ produced on the island, it was important to help empower the women of the island to take their business to the next level. MACCS provided business skill training for members of the community so that they would be able to market both the ‘Hau’ and the ‘Thundukunaa’ mats. MACCS also facilitated links to resorts in Huvadhoo Atoll (GDh and GA) for marketing ‘Thundukunaa’ mats to tourists.

It was during this project that the art of weaving, along with kunaa patterns, were documented and presented as a book for sale. With the patterns being an intuitive art, this was the first time that the patterns were documented in such a manner.